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The Shift You Can't Ignore (Future-Proof Your Career)

Meta cut 11,000 jobs in November 2022.

Amazon laid off 18,000 workers in January 2023. 

These companies are worth 1.5 Trillion dollars combined.

This sent shockwaves through the job market. 

No wonder people are questioning their job security and financial stability right now.

What if you did not have these fears?

What if this was an opportunity in disguise?An opportunity where anyone can start a successful business. With a laptop and internet connection. Regardless of background or education.

This is the reality of the digital economy.

Innovation and entrepreneurship are thriving like never before.

We are in the bull ring. Surrounded by charging forces, each more unpredictable than the last.

That’s the American job market right now. The pandemic hit us just like a bull.

It changed the status quo.

Jobs disappeared, industries reshuffled, and technology charged in. And the pace of change is relentless.

Now, here we are in 2024, with millions of jobs reshuffled and a 50% increase in labor market churn. Generative AI whispering promises of automation.

Chaos. And the kicker? It’s not over.

By 2030, the transformation will still be in full swing, with 12 million more jobs in transition. (Mckinsey) .

The rules of the game are changing, and if you’re not adapting, you’re already falling behind.

In this blog, we’re going to break it down.

The American job market is in transition, but so is the way you need to approach it.

There’s opportunity here. If you’re willing to pivot. Learn new skills and stay ahead of the curve.

Let’s dig into how you can navigate the bullfight.

The Economy is Moving Faster Than You Are

Here’s the truth: the pandemic didn’t just throw a wrench into the economy. It sped up changes that were already brewing. In three short years, 8 million jobs shifted.

It’s not just that people found different jobs. It’s the nature of work itself that’s evolving.

Generative AI is here, and it’s automating tasks at lightning speed. Algorithms are replacing jobs in customer service, food service, and some office roles.

Millions of people are wondering: What’s next for me?

By 2030, a third of all work hours could be automated. (McKinsey Global Institute)

But not every industry is in danger. STEM, creative, business, and legal fields are safe for now, and they might even grow.

On the flip side, roles in oil, car manufacturing, and traditional blue-collar industries? They're dwindling.

This is about new skills, mindsets, and ways of working. This is where the opportunities live right now.

What’s at Stake if You Don’t Act

What happens if you don’t adapt? You get left behind. Simple as that.

Let’s talk the 12 million jobs will shift by 2030. That’s not just a statistic. That's your competition, your opportunity, and your wake-up call.

Lower-wage workers and women are taking the hardest hits during economic downturns. (Brookings Institute)

That doesn’t mean you’re safe if you’re in a high-wage bracket.

The whole economy is evolving, and if you’re not learning, you’re falling behind.

Who gets hit the hardest?

This shift isn’t just for corporate giants or tech-savvy entrepreneurs.

It’s hitting two groups hard: young people at the crossroads of “Do I go to college?” or “What do I want to do with my life?”

And the Mid-career professional facing a mid-life crisis and feeling stuck.

Both are standing in the bull ring, trying to dodge the changes coming their way.

They must spot their skills gap and adapt to the game's new rules. Figure out where they fit in this new economy.

The old way of thinking—that a degree guarantees success—is dying. Skills and self-reliance are the new currency.

If you’re starting or thinking about making a big pivot. Now’s the time to get real about learning what actually matters.

Identify the skills that set you apart. Build the digital fluency that keeps you relevant. The alternative? You’ll get trampled.

Remember, degrees are becoming less relevant in this digital age. The focus is on skills.

Employers are finally realizing that it’s not about what’s on paper—it’s about what you can do.

So, what’s the price of staying stagnant?

Obsolescence. We’re in an era where what you know today can be irrelevant tomorrow. The pandemic was a catalyst, but the real disruption is the future of work, and it’s already here.

My Journey from MBA to Digital Entrepreneur

When I was in business school, I learned a lot about traditional business practices. But the truth is, much of what I learned became outdated the second I stepped out of the classroom.

My MBA cost me $40,000 in student debt. At the time, that was my best shot at acquiring the knowledge to build my dreams.

Here's what I realized after starting my first business. The world outside academia was shifting faster.

What I thought was valuable—the degree, the formal education. Is now less relevant in the real world of digital business.

Fast forward to now, where I’ve built businesses rooted in digital strategies. Schools haven't caught up.

I’m talking about social media growth. Persuasive copywriting. Content creation. And how to leverage platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

None of that was on my curriculum.

The bottom line?

Personal and business success is about adaptability, digital skills, and a mindset shift.

What’s Still Relevant & What’s Not

Here’s a breakdown of what’s still useful and what’s a relic of the past:

What I Learned in Business School That’s Still Relevant:

  1. Business Law – Knowing how contracts, employment law, and intellectual property work is crucial. These fundamentals protect your business and your rights.

  2. Contracts – Understand how to create, read, and enforce them. A bad contract can sink you.

  3. Navigating Tax – Tax planning is essential for both compliance and financial growth.

  4. Profit Margins – Understanding your profit margins is essential for running a successful business.

  5. Pricing Strategy – Pricing your products or services is crucial for staying competitive.

What’s No Longer Relevant:

  1. Outdated Business Operations – Traditional business theories are too slow. Technology moves faster.

  2. Classic Marketing – Digital marketing and social media have overtaken the old methods.

  3. PR – Gone are the days of static PR. Today’s consumers expect real-time, transparent communication.

  4. Old-School Branding – Branding needs to be authentic, values-driven, and resonate with modern consumers.

  5. Traditional Advertising – Data-driven, targeted digital ads outperform old media every time.

The New Skills You NEED to Succeed

Now that we’ve covered what’s outdated, let’s talk about what is relevant and can actually propel you forward.

Here are the skills that will keep you ahead in the digital economy:

  1. Persuasive Copywriting – Learn to write compelling copy that drives action. Whether it’s a tweet or a sales page, copywriting is a must. Learn how to tell stories.

  2. Social Media Growth Strategies – You need to know how to grow and engage an audience. Organic reach, paid ads, and everything in between.

  3. Platform-Specific Content Creation – Every social platform has its own personality. Mastering each one is key.

  4. Social Media Sales Funnels – Understand how to turn followers into customers. Social media isn’t just for likes and comments—it’s a sales machine.

  5. SEO Basics – If you’re not showing up on Google, you don’t exist. SEO is essential for discoverability.

The truth is, business schools don’t teach this. You need to learn it on your own, through experience, online courses, or mentorship.

What You Can Do Right Now

Here's what you must do to stay relevant:

  1. Focus on Skills, Not Degrees: Degrees are becoming less relevant daily. Employers care about what you can do, not the diploma on your wall.

  2. Get Ahead of Automation: Start learning skills that AI can't replicate. Creative, strategic, and technical skills are your safe zone.

  3. Embrace Digital Marketing: The future of business is online. Learn how to market, grow an audience, and build a brand through social media and SEO.

  4. Stay Adaptable: The economy will continue to evolve. Stay curious, keep learning, and don't be afraid to pivot.

To help you on your journey, consider using these free online tools:

  • Skill Development: Coursera, edX, Skillshare, LinkedIn Learning, Duolingo

  • Job Search and Networking: LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, CareerBuilder, Monster

  • Career Planning and Development: MyFuture, CareerBuilder's Career Path Builder, The Muse, Salary Calculator, Career Change Calculator

  • Additional Tools: Grammarly, Trello, Evernote, Todoist, Slack, Notion

Remember, the bull ring is in transition, and the only way to come out on top is to stay ahead of the curve. 

Don't wait until it's too late.

The future of work is changing fast. You need to stay ahead. Build the right skills.

"The Prosperity Path" can help you advance. It covers personal growth, business skills, and habits.

Learn to manage your time, be productive, and set goals. The "Rugged Human Life Track Method" helps you change your habits and succeed.

By combining these tools, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the modern job market or start your new business. Enroll today and start building your future.

Until next time,

Keep moving forward!




Who is Jerod Foos?

I am a rugged entrepreneur and motivation expert. I talk about human performance and life growth. I am obsessed with building positivity, human potential, and lifestyle design.

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Habits are blocks of success. If you want help simplifying your big picture - order the Life Track Method.

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Reinvent yourself and create your ideal future. Turn what you love into what you do.

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