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The Power of Meta Habits (Achieving More Doing Less)

Power of Meta Habits Image Rugged Human

Want to know how the top 1% succeed?

They don’t chase goals. They build habits. Not just any habits—meta habits. The ones that make every other habit easier.

The self-help industry loves to throw around advice on habits. But most people don’t talk about the fact that not all habits are created equal.

Some are foundational, while others are just decorative.

Some habits are so ingrained we're not even aware of them. We check our phones without thinking, twiddle on Instagram, tap our feet.

Finger tapping screen rugged human

They're little gremlins that sneak into your life without a peep. One moment you're scrolling through your phone. The next you're wondering where the day went.

The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.- Warren Buffett

Turns out, these little buggers account for about 40% of our daily routine.

That means nearly half of what we do is on autopilot.

Imagine if we could harness that power? Turn those gremlins into super-powered habits. That rocketed us towards our goals.

It'd be like having a personal genie granting wishes, right?

But here's the rub: most of us think forming good habits is all about willpower and grit. We're like cavemen trying to tame a wild beast with a stick.

The truth is, habits aren't about motivation; they're about structure. It's the system we build around them that makes or breaks our success.

Think of a habit like a river. It starts small, a trickle of water. But over time, it cuts deeper, wider. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes.

And once it's carved its path, it's hard to change its course.

beautiful river in a valley rugged human

To build good habits, you need to understand the system. You need to know how the river flows.

In this letter, I'm going cover:

Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to a life fueled by habits that rock.

How Habits Work In Your Brain

Every habit consists of three components: cue, routine, and reward. Charles Duhigg outlines this in his book The Power of Habit.

cue routine reward habit loop rugged human

The cue serves as the initial trigger. It acts as a signal that alerts your brain to the impending action and sets the stage for what is to follow.

This cue could be environmental, like the time of day. Or an emotional state. Or a preceding action that prompts the routine.

The routine is the behavior or action that you take next. It can be good or bad—physical activities like exercising or lighting a cigarette.

This routine is the core of the habit loop, as it is the action initiated in response to the cue.

Finally, the reward represents the payoff you get. What makes you want to do it again.

This reward can take many forms. It could be a physical sensation of nicotine pumping through your body. Or the dopamine rush from checking your Facebook feed. Or even a social reward like praise. 

It’s this pleasurable outcome that solidifies the habit in your mind. It completes the loop and establishes the habit as a consistent part of your life.

For example, you might habitually check your phone first thing in the morning. The cue is the alarm going off. 

The routine is grabbing your phone and scrolling through your apps. The reward is the dopamine rush you get from the notifications.

The more you repeat this loop, the stronger the habit becomes. 

It's like training a dog. You give it a command, it does the trick, you give it a treat.

Soon, the dog doesn't need the treat anymore. It just does the trick.

How to Break Bad Habits

Breaking bad habits is like reversing a loop that has become ingrained in your daily routine. Either identify and interrupt the cue that triggers the habit or change the routine. 

Once you understand the mechanism behind the habit, you can change it

For example, unhealthy snacking. Imagine your kitchen as a battleground.

You are the valiant warrior of healthy habits. You face off against the evil empire of late-night snacks.

cartoon warrior health rugged human

To defeat this enemy, you must fortify your kitchen with strategic defenses.

Create a snack-free zone by banishing unhealthy treats to an inaccessible corner. This will make it harder to tempt you.

Hide snacks in a cupboard. Set up a decoy. Leave a healthy snack, like carrot sticks, on the counter to lead your enemy astray.

The point is to have fun with it. Get creative.

Breaking bad habits is a combination of discipline, patience, and creativity.

Experiment with different approaches and give yourself a break when you slip. It happens to everyone.

That’s all part of the process.

Each attempt, no matter how small, is a step toward improvement.

Building The Right Habits

You must build the right habits. 

Some habits are more powerful than others. These are the compounding habits. They're the habits that have a ripple effect on your life.

One of the most potent compounding habits is exercise. It's not just good for your body, it's good for your mind.


It boosts your mood, improves your sleep, and helps you focus. 

Physical Benefits:

  • Endorphin Release: Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators. These neurotransmitters can help reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression.

  • Focus: Physical activity can divert negative thoughts, relieving stress.

  • Improved Sleep: When you exercise often, you can sleep better. Sleeping well helps you feel happy throughout the day.

Brain Benefits:

  • Neurogenesis: Exercise stimulates the growth of new brain cells, a process called neurogenesis.

  • Improved Cognitive Function: Exercise helps your brain with memory, attention, and problem-solving.

  • Cognitive Decline: Doing exercise regularly can help keep our brain healthy. It may lower the chances of getting diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia when we get older.


Another powerful compounding habit is reading. Reading expands your mind, improves your vocabulary, and helps you learn new things. It can also be a great way to relax and de-stress.

Reading is a fun and a powerful tool for improving your mental health and cognitive function. Here are some scientific facts about how reading benefits your mood and brain:

Mood Boosting Effects:

  • Stress Reduction: Reading helps reduce stress. It's a healthy distraction from worries and anxieties. It can also promote relaxation and improve well-being.

  • Improved Mood: Reading stimulates the release of endorphins also. It leads to feelings of happiness and contentment.

Brain Benefits:

  • Enhanced Concentration: Reading improves cognitive abilities such as memory, focus, and critical thinking.

  • Increased Vocabulary: New words and language patterns expand your vocabulary and communication skills.

  • Improved Brain Connectivity: Reading improves brain connectivity and problem-solving and decision-making abilities.

  • Cognitive Decline: Regular reading helps reduce risk of cognitive decline later in life.

The bottom line is to think about the habits in your life that have the most impact.

Start small. Focus on one habit at a time and build on it slowly.

Remember, habits are the foundation of your life. They're the building blocks that shape who you are. So don't be afraid to invest in them.

The rewards will be worth it.

The Hidden Benefits of Habit Tracking

Habit tracking doesn’t just help you achieve your goals. It transforms your entire approach to life.

Here are a few hidden benefits that most people overlook:

1. Builds Self-Discipline

When you track your habits, you’re building self-discipline. You’re training your brain to follow through on commitments, even when you don’t feel like it.

Over time, this discipline will spill over into other areas of your life.

2. Reduces Decision Fatigue

One of the biggest killers of productivity is decision fatigue. Mental exhaustion that comes from making too many decisions throughout the day.

Habit tracking simplifies your life by turning actions into automatic routines. You no longer have to decide whether to work out or write today. It’s already part of your daily system.

3. Increases Self-Awareness

Tracking your habits makes you more aware of your actions. You start to notice patterns. In your behavior. You see what triggers you to succeed or fail. What times of day you’re most productive and what habits have the most impact.

This self-awareness is crucial for personal growth.

How I Discovered The Power of Meta Habits

Back in 2018, I was a mess. From the outside, life looked good. I had a great job, a company, and a house in Santa Barbara.

before habit tracking jerod foos

But I was overweight, unhealthy, and unhappy. Inside, my life was a disaster. I was adrift in a sea of bad habits.

I needed to figure out where to start. I knew my habits were crap. So, I figured I would start there.

I used a simple piece of paper. Everything I ate, every time I exercised, and every hour of sleep I got. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it.

habit tracker grid rugged human

This simple piece of paper changed my life.

I began to see patterns emerge. I started eating healthier, exercising more, and going to bed earlier.

It wasn't easy. There were days when I wanted to give up. But I kept going. I kept tracking my habits, and I kept making progress.

After a few months, I started to see a difference. I was losing weight, had more energy, and felt better than I had in years.

I went on to lose nearly 60 pounds.

But it didn't stop there. I had developed a new mindset. New confidence. I was looking at the meta-perspective. The big picture now.

jerod foos after habit tracker rugged human

I realized that I needed to change a lot more than my weight.

This new perspective gave me the momentum to change my life by building meta habits.

What Are Meta Habits? (And Why You Should Care)

Meta habits are the foundational habits that make other habits easier. They create the groundwork for long-term success.

Most people focus on surface-level habits. Like working out or meditating, meta habits dive deeper.

Here’s the difference:

  • Regular habits help you do specific tasks (e.g., read for 30 minutes a day).

  • Meta habits improve your ability to execute all other habits. ( manage energy levels, build a reflection system, or focus on environmental design).

meta habits regular habits

In short, meta habits are a system of habits built around goals.

Once you master them, everything else gets easier.

3 Meta Habits That Will Change Your Life:

Energy Management

  •  Your ability to build and maintain habits depends on your energy. If you’re burned out, even the simplest habits become a chore.

  • Sticking to your habits feels like second nature if you have energy. That’s why managing your energy is a meta habit.

  • Systemize Sleep, recovery, and nutrition. This ensures that you can consistently show up for your habits.

Reflection and Evaluation

  • Regular reflection allows you to track what you’re doing ad how well it’s working.

  • Every successful entrepreneur, athlete, or creator takes time to test their performance.

  • This meta habit keeps you from wasting time on habits that don’t serve your long-term goals.

Environment Design 

  • Your environment either helps or hinders your habits. Set up your space for success.

  • A place without distractions.

  • Create visual cues.

  • Surround yourself with supportive people.

rugged human work space

Meta habits allow you to do less while accomplishing more.

Instead of juggling 10 habits simultaneously, focus on building essential meta habits.

Compounding Habits: The Secret Sauce

Like compound interest, habits build on each other over time. The more you repeat them, the stronger they become. The results multiply exponentially.

Ever heard of James Clear's Atomic Habits? It's like the Bible of habit formation.

He shows that a 1% daily improvement is nearly 38 times better over a year. This is the essence of habit formation.

"Small, consistent actions lead to massive, long-term results." - James Clear

But here’s the kicker. Most people fail to see this because they’re focused on immediate gratification.

They want results now, not in 12 months.

The best way to combat this short-term thinking?

Track your progress. You get immediate feedback by tracking. Even when the results haven’t fully materialized yet.

It’s the same as checking your investments daily.

While you won’t see massive growth each day, the cumulative effect over time is where the power is.

Meta Habits in Action: The Ultimate System for Growth

Let’s put all of this together.

How you can use both meta habits and habit tracking to systemize continuous growth.

  1. Choose Your Meta Habits 

    Start with three to five key meta habits. Remember, these are the foundational habits that support everything else. Energy management, reflection, and environment design. These are excellent places to begin. Choose the ones that will have the most significant impact on your life.

  2. Track Your Meta Habits First 

    It might be tempting to track everything you do, but simplicity wins. Start by monitoring only your meta habits. Once those become second nature, you can layer on more habits as needed. The goal here is to maintain momentum, not to overwhelm yourself.

  3. Review and Adjust Regularly 

    Habit tracking isn’t a “set it and forget it” process. Review your habits weekly or monthly to see what’s working and what isn’t. This regular reflection is a meta habit in itself. It ensures that you’re always optimizing for growth.

  4. Progress Not Perfection

    Habit tracking isn’t just about the outcome. It’s about the process of showing up every day. Shift your focus from the result (e.g., losing 10 pounds). Focus on the process (e.g., exercising consistently). It makes you feel more accomplished and motivated to continue.

The Unique Power of Habit Trackers: Proof of Consistency

There’s a unique power in seeing your progress.

It’s not just about data—it’s about momentum. Every day that you cross off your habit feels like a win. You become addicted to not breaking the streak. Habit tracking becomes more than a productivity tool—it becomes a motivator.

Here’s why it works:

  1. Habit Trackers Build Visual Cues 

    Just like a calendar, a habit tracker creates visual cues. You look at the tracker, and it reminds you to act. You see that streak, and you don’t want to break it. It triggers an immediate response: “I’ve come this far; I’m not stopping now.”

  2. They Motivate You to Keep Going 

    Progress is the ultimate motivator. It becomes easier to push through bad days once you see how far you’ve come. A habit tracker shows you tangible proof of your effort. When motivation dips, that streak keeps you in the game.

  3. Immediate Satisfaction 

    There’s something inherently rewarding about checking off a task. It feels good. And the more satisfying the process feels, the more likely you are to keep going.

    This builds that feedback loop we talked about earlier. Track progress → feel satisfied → repeat the habit.

A Framework for Your Habit Tracker

Now that you grasp habit tracking and meta habits, let’s create the ultimate habit tracker.

1. Define Your Key Habits 

Start by listing out your meta habits. These should be the foundational actions that will make everything else easier.

For example:

  • Sleep at least 7 hours a night (energy management)

  • Spend 5 minutes reflecting on your day (reflection)

  • Set up your workspace for productivity (environment design)

2. Choose Your Tracking Format 

You don’t need anything fancy. A simple grid, a calendar, or an app will do. The key is consistency. Make sure it’s something you can easily update daily. Some popular formats include:

  • Calendars with checkmarks or Xs ( This is how I started. Just a grid on some paper. If you want to see what I use now, check out The Rugged Human Life Tracker)

    jerod foos consulting habit tracker
  • Bullet journals

  • Digital apps

3. Keep It Simple 

Don’t overwhelm yourself by tracking every tiny habit. Start with your meta habits and maybe one or two other key habits you want to build. Less is more when it comes to habit tracking.

4. Celebrate Milestones 

Tracking is about progress, not perfection. Set small milestones to celebrate—like 7 days, 14 days, and 30 days of consistency.

This will keep you motivated and engaged with the process.

Meta Habits and Habit Trackers for Long-Term Success

Tracking your habits isn't just about staying organized.

It's about unlocking your full potential.

Tracking your progress builds a better you. You get more confidence and momentum to tackle bigger challenges.

Your habit tracking becomes a concrete, real-world reminder. Proof of your commitment to long-term growth. Commitment to yourself.

When combined with powerful meta-habits, you create a system. Designed for success and exponential growth.

So, take the time to reflect, track, and adjust.

The results will follow. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

And in this case, that single step is picking up your habit tracker and starting to track your progress.

The future is yours to shape.

Until next time,

jerod foos rugged human business


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Who is Jerod Foos?

I am a rugged entrepreneur and motivation expert. I talk about human performance and life growth. I am obsessed with building positivity, human potential, and lifestyle design.

When You're Ready, Here's How I Can Help You:

Life Track Method

Habits are blocks of success. If you want help simplifying your big picture - order the Life Track Method.

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Prosperity Path

Reinvent yourself and create your ideal future. Turn what you love into what you do.

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